If you are reading this you have successfully found my only official website! I will be updating my blog with brand new stories about my ventures and also all the exciting new things that will be available for my fans. Here are a few things that will be happening in the next couple months…I will be updating the website with brand new merchandise including new autographed 8×10, lingerie and stockings, and DVD’s. My official 2016 calendar will also be available for sale in October!
My most exciting announcement is the start of Kate England Reality. I will be shooting my own videos of me at home alone and will even invite my hot girlfriends to join me. It will be exclusive content available for all my fans in a couple weeks. I will be posting links to these videos very soon!
I am very excited about all my new projects and it’s all for my amazing fans. I wouldn’t even have a career if it weren’t for all the love and support from you guys! Thank you! Make sure you click on the tabs to check out my Facebook and Instagram and please go find me on freeones.com and rate me five stars.
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